Join Us

Dublin Welsh Male Voice Choir is a four-part TTBB (Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone, Bass) harmony choir, which covers the entire range of the male voice. We are always happy to welcome new recruits. Although some of our repertoire is in the Welsh language the majority of our members are non-Welsh and have learnt the Welsh lyrics phonetically.

It is important for new members to be able to blend in with others both musically and socially. While we work hard at our music, we are friendly and sociable and place a high emphasis on comradeship and team work.

Who/What we are looking for

There is an extensive social side to all our activities and we include family and friends in all our trips, both home and abroad.

As a choir we aim to reach the highest possible standard of choral singing. In recruiting new members, we seek to ensure the balance and style of the choir is correct, particularly in relation to numbers in each of our 4 sections.

You do not need

  • to be Welsh or be able to speak Welsh
  • to be able to read music
  • to have sung in a choir before

You do need

  • to have basic singing competence
  • to enjoy singing
  • to be committed and dedicated

A solo quality voice is not essential but you will need the ability to sing in tune and, over time, to learn an extensive repertoire.

We are always keen to recruit new Welsh members. We are not a Welsh speaking choir and our rehearsals are conducted in English. Over half the choristers are Irish, with a sprinkling of other nationalities, such as Dutch, Scottish and English.

Welsh is a phonetic language and it is easy to learn – what you see is what you say and sing. We also sing in other languages including English, Irish, French, Italian and Finnish, but we don’t expect our choristers to master any new languages!

Singing with the Dublin Welsh Choir requires the commitment to attend weekly rehearsals on Thursday nights at the Royal Hospital, Donnybrook. We perform at concerts and other engagements about twice a month both in Ireland and internationally.

Before you join you will need to undergo a short voice test so that the Musical Director can place you in the appropriate section – First Tenor, Second Tenor, Baritone or Bass. You will initially join as a probationer.

Probation lasts for around six months, during which time there will be plenty of help in learning the repertoire. In the members’ area of this website you can access audio recordings of our songs to help you speedily learn our repertoire. Probation will also give you time to settle in and to demonstrate your commitment to the choir through regular attendance and participation.

Members pay an annual subscription and are responsible for purchasing their own choir uniform.

Singing with the DWMVC will become an unforgettable experience. Some current members have been choristers for up to forty years or more and they will happily share stories with you of many memorable occasions, such as our visits to the USA and Canada, to France, to London’s Albert Hall and of course back “home” to Wales.

Age is not a barrier to membership and we are delighted that many younger singers are now joining the choir.

How to apply to join

If you would like to get a feel for the choir and to get to know more before committing, you are welcome to sit in on rehearsals. We practice in the Royal Hospital, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 on Thursday evenings between 7:30 & 9:30pm.

If you would like to join contact us at info@dublinwelsh.com or just turn up to a rehearsal.

We will then make contact with you.

For new members – we’ll keep a welcome!